New Zealand’s heritage includes natural and physical elements that contribute to the appreciation and understanding of our cultures and history. Our heritage resides in archaeological sites, heritage structures, buildings, and places of significance to Māori including wāhi tapu. Understanding our joint heritage guides our approach to preservation and adaptive reuse.

The Suter Art Gallery, Nelson
Heritage assessments
Heritage architecture can be viewed through several lenses. When weighing up the financial viability of developments involving our heritage, we like to consider cultural and architectural significance and opportunities prior to beginning any design work.
Once we thoroughly understand the existing heritage values, thoughtful and considered decisions around retention, repurposing or demolition can be made.
Adaptive ReUse
Retaining and repurposing existing buildings can often be more sustainable, and marketable, than building new. Instead of demolition, adaptive reuse involves creatively reimagining spaces to work for modern living and workplace requirements.
Our team is experienced in wide range of reuse and heritage architecture projects, including interior refit, seismic strengthening, and renovation works for residential, commercial and public spaces.